Saturday, December 19, 2015

Back Again

As you can see I am not very good at posting on my blog.  I haven't done much creating like I should either.  It seems when I work on a project it's very rarely for myself and I need to remember I have my own projects to work on.  The problem is, I like making people happy by showing what I can do. When I do get pay is way below what I should be asking for.  Currently, I am working on a scrapbook for my manager, a quilt for a friend and 4 quilts for my family.  These are the two that I am currently working on.  One is for a grandnephew and obsession with zombies.  The other is for a friend who has a photography business.  I just have to change up some squares and then I will begin piecing it together.  I will mainly work on it on Christmas day since it's just another day for.

Of course, nada for me...I really need slip something in for me.  I have the material and the pattern for a quilt for bed but have not gotten around to it.  Next year, it's going to change.  Somehow, someway I will slip in my own projects.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


On Tuesday I delivered the wreaths to my client and hope that I get more jobs from her recommendations.  I must say I did a great job on them and when I saw her today I asked how she liked them.  She loved them.  Unfortunately I ran out of silver and gold ornaments and will have to buy them the day after Christmas when they go on sale.  I hope I can get some nice deals.  Phew, that means I no longer have to stress about it.  And next year, I will make a few ahead of time.  Here they are, what do you think?

And today, I decided to make some boxes for  gift cards.  It's very hard to find Hanukkah stuff in the stores so I will make my own.  It was fun making them on my silhouette portrait.  This one of the die-cutting machine that helps me to design layouts and other items.  They came out really good.  And if I start sooner next year I can do an even better job.  I should never leave stuff to the last minute. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What am I thinking?

I just finished reading the Orphan Train and thought to myself I don't have another book with me. Seriously, this is what I think and here I am working in a library...there are tons of books around me. Oy! The thing is I have several books checked out to me and a huge library myself at home.  I just didn't want to start another book but then I remembered I have something else in my bag.  My Kindle, of course! And I have started to re-read "The Giver".  Why re-read?  I just watched the movie (just okay in my opinion) and want to see how much they changed besides the age of Jonas.  I still prefer the books to the movies.  Very rarely is a movie adapted the way I want to see it adapted.  It's interesting to re-read it again and after this I will move on to the sequels again.  Actually, I haven't read "The Son" so I will be reading that for the first time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Cards Are Done!

Unless I get another order Christmas cards are done for the year.  Now, tomorrow night I need to get started on the two wreaths that have been ordered and Hanukkah cards for the family.  Would start tonight but I was given a free ticket to see Flash Gordon on the big screen and how could I say no to that?  It's a cult classic especially with that Queen soundtrack.  I can't wait! After the soundtrack, I must say I love Topol.  If I wasn't in the library I might actually start singing Flash Gordon.  "Flash a-ah Savior of the universe"
Okay, so now that I got that out of my system....when I delivered the wreath to the woman who ordered the first one, I actually got an order for two more.  Nice to know my business is slowly taking off.  Now I need to get a website prepared.  And hopefully, more orders will come soon.  
One lesson I am taking away from all this...start doing Christmas cards now.  And here is the sample of the last 4 that I did.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Keeping My Mouth Shut!

I forgot, that's all there is to I did 60 of these for the Woodlawn Library Support group. And you notice the mistake that my manager found? Yeap, I forgot to put in the library but when one of the members saw it, she said it didn't matter.  The people will know who the stockings came from.  I volunteered to do these several weeks and promptly forgot until I was reminded yesterday afternoon. It was a mad rush to complete and only completed with the help of my co-workers.  Thank goodness. Next year, I start them way earlier! Like June!

Friday, November 28, 2014

How dumb...

...can I be?  I forgot to take a picture of the wreath I completed for the women who bought it from me.  I take a picture of almost everything I make but lately I have been becoming a bit on the lazy side when doing this.  I sold some Christmas cards to my co-workers and took a picture of only 4 of them when I do 3 times that amount.  I must try and remember to do it more.  There is no specific reason why I take them, maybe just to remember what I have done in the past.  I have to start doing it again.

And by the way, when I delivered the wreath it was requested that I do two more. We are supposed to finalize the details today.  At least, I hope it happens.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

For the past few days I have stepped up on my production of Christmas cards so I can sell them to my co-workers.  In order to help it along I am playing Christmas songs...and now they are stuck in my head.  I particularly like the new version of "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Idina Menzel.  Everyone finds this is funny since I am actually Jewish.  Yes, you read that right.  But I don't really care what people might think...I just love hearing them.  Granted there are a few that makes me run and switch the channel but for the most part I enjoy listening.  And don't get me started on the stations that decide to play it 24 hours a day. Oy! I will avoid them like the plague.  Anyway, here are a couple of the cards I have completed.  The one with the swan is actually from the kit I got from SEI but the others I planned out on my own.